Custom-Made Designs and Buttons
You design it.....we make it. We make wear it.
You design it.....we make it. We make wear it.
If you have a creative idea that you want to express through buttons, send us a sketch or explanation of what you'd like to see and we will transform it into a professional looking design. We print sizes of 1"(25mm), 1-1/4"(32mm), 1-1/2"(38mm), 2-1/4"(57mm) and 3"(76mm).
We make and print designs in black and white and/or in full colour. We can create and print just a special single design for you or as many as you want. Contact us for more information.
We make and print designs in black and white and/or in full colour. We can create and print just a special single design for you or as many as you want. Contact us for more information.
Ready-to-Wear Custom-Made Buttons
If you want ready-to-wear buttons, all you have to do is tell us what your idea is and we will do the rest for you. We will create the design and assemble ready-to-wear buttons. When you receive your buttons, all you will have to do is pin them on. We make sizes of 1"(25mm), 1-1/4"(32mm), 1-1/2"(38mm), 2-1/4"(57mm) and 3"(76mm).
From creating designs, printing and assembling buttons, everything-custom-made all you have to do is wear or carry them, write to us for pricing information.
If you have already made and printed your designs and all we have to do is make them into buttons only for you to wear or carry them around, write to us for pricing information in any button type or size of preference.
If your designs are ready but still needs to be printed and then made into a button for you to wear or carry them around, write to us for pricing information in any button type or size of preference.
To guide you in the planning and creation of your designs, write to us for button templates.
From creating designs, printing and assembling buttons, everything-custom-made all you have to do is wear or carry them, write to us for pricing information.
If you have already made and printed your designs and all we have to do is make them into buttons only for you to wear or carry them around, write to us for pricing information in any button type or size of preference.
If your designs are ready but still needs to be printed and then made into a button for you to wear or carry them around, write to us for pricing information in any button type or size of preference.
To guide you in the planning and creation of your designs, write to us for button templates.